August 05, 2010

May 23, 2010

Denise and I left the house really early to help set up for GDA's Sixth Annual "Ride for Guide" Motorcycle Poker Run and BBQ. By 8:30am, Denise and I left GDA to go to stop one at Bear Divide which is located in between Santa Clarita Valley and San Fernando Valley. Just as we finish setting up in the freezing wipping wind, our first riders arrived. The riders kept telling us that it was soooooooo cold and windy that with all their leather gear, they were freezing cold and did not want to take off their helmets and gloves when they stopped. By 10:30am, we packed up the stop and jumped into the heated car for the trip down the mountain and back to a nice 80 degree GDA for the BBQ. While Denise helped with the raffle, I took a nap behind the raffle table for the rest of the day. WOW, it sure was a long, but fun day! Bear Divide

Fern and Motorcycle GDA is Raffling off this yearall the bikes back at GDA for the BBQ Raffle

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