February 15, 2008

February 15, 2008

Oceana is just got back from Camp GDA. Tami says she was great they used her as a babysitter for some younger nurves dogs. I hated to take her away from the little boy she was with when I picked her up. Sarah and Tami were jokeing that if she does not become a guide dog that she could have a job as the kennel babysitter where they would call me to bring her in to the kennel. That would be nice if it was true but I know it's not.

Tami was also telling me GDA was taking photos of the dogs in the boarding kennel and used Oceana and some other dogs they were asking the dogs to place their paws on a wall they know that it is a no no. But Oceana hopped right up and as Tami says gave her a look of "well you told me to" were the other dogs were nurves to do it.

Now she is sleeping under my desk at work storing up her energy to play with Andromeda tonight. Poor Andromeda :P


  1. Hey from a fellow puppy raiser!
    I just discovered your blog! Would you mind if I linked to it?
    ~Taelor and Eagle~

  2. I have a quick question. How did you make the picture for the header on your blog? It is really cute, and I want to make one for mine!!! Thanks!
    ~Taelor and Eagle~

  3. Thank you for all of the help! Wow, all of the comments are from me... lol.
    ~Taelor and Eagle~

  4. Glad Oceana is doing well, and happy to be home :)

  5. Wow, I bet she was tired! Glad she was a good girl!

  6. I love your new template!!! It is adorable! I wish I could pay for one of her designs!

  7. Hi!
    We just found your blog, and we love it! We love the fact your raise dogs to help others. Our mom is pretty impressed! We are just plain ol' dogs, but we help our mom now and again...sort of.

    Our mom Loves your blog redo. She said she loves the colors and the theme.

    Anyway, Glad to meet you, and will follow your adventures.

    High five paws,
    Cookie and crew
